Picking up manure/fertilizer from the Main Farm

Map to 7351 Morrison Lake Rd, Saranac, MI 48881

Visitors may not have any contact with birds or swine for a minimum of 72 hours before coming on-site. 

  • Use the West Entrance located at 7351 Morrison Lake Rd, Saranac, MI 48881
  • Proceed to the Pellet Mill.
  • Exit out the West Entrance

Contact: Main Office 616-642-9421

Picking up manure/fertilizer from the Hennery

Map to 56 Portland Road, Lake Odessa, MI

Visitors may not have any contact with birds or swine for a minimum of 72 hours before coming on-site. 

  • Use Entrance C located at 478 W. Portland Road, Lake Odessa, MI 48849
  • Proceed to the gate.

Contact: Main Office 616-642-9421